Easy Interaction System – Usage Documentation
Interaction Configuration

- Installation:
- Obtain the Easy Interaction System package from the Unity Asset Store.
- Import the package into your Unity project.
- Ensure that your player character has the tag “Player” and is assigned to the layer “Player”.
- Creating Interactable Objects:
- Open the Unity Editor.
- Navigate to Hierarchy > Endless Existence > Create new Item to create a new interactable object.
- Alternatively, locate the desired item/object prefab in the asset browser and drag it into your scene.
- You can find the prefabs at the following path: Assets/EndlessExistence/Item Interaction/Prefabs/ObjectPrefab.
- Configuring Interactable Objects:
- After creating the object, select it in the hierarchy.
- In the Inspector window, add the appropriate type of item script based on the desired behavior.
- For example, to create a health item, add the EE_Health script to the object.
- To create a new type of object with custom behavior, inherit from the ObjectContainer script.
- Adding Item Details:
- To provide additional information about the object, create a new Scriptable Object.
- From the asset browser, navigate to Create > Inventory Item > ItemDetails.
- Fill in the necessary information such as name, description, icon, etc., in the created Scriptable Object.
Inspect Configuration
- Setting Up Inspection Feature:
- To enable the inspect feature, locate the inspect camera prefab in the asset browser.
- Drag the inspect camera prefab into your scene.
- Make the inspect camera a child of your player character.
- You can find the inspect camera prefab at: Assets/EndlessExistence/Item Interaction/Prefabs/InspectCamera.prefab.
- Add the EE_InspectObject script to the object you want to inspect.

Inventory Setup
- Setting Up Inventory:
- To implement the inventory system, locate the inventory prefab in the asset browser.
- Drag the inventory prefab into your scene.
- You can find the inventory prefab at: Assets/EndlessExistence/Inventory/Prefabs/EE_Inventory.prefab.
- Customize the inventory settings and appearance as needed.
Mobile Control Setup
- Dragging Mobile UI:
- Drag the MobileUI prefab from Assets/EndlessExistence/Common/MobileUI.prefab
Additional Information from README
- About Tags:
- Ensure that your player character is tagged as “Player” and assigned to the “Player” layer.
- Editor Menu:
- From the Unity Editor menu, you can create new items/objects easily.
- Item Scripting:
- To create custom behavior for objects, you can inherit from the ObjectContainer script.
- Inspect Camera Setup:
- The inspect camera prefab should be made a child of the player character to enable inspection feature.
- Inventory Scriptable Object:
- Use the provided Scriptable Object to add details and information about inventory items.